by Snake River Alliance | Oct 11, 2016 | Alliance Publications, Nuclear
On Thursday, November 3, the Snake River Alliance will be sponsoring a tour of the cleanup work at the Idaho National Laboratory. Come see – Ongoing exhumation of plutonium contaminated waste that the government buried in unlined pits above the Snake River Aquifer....
by Snake River Alliance | Apr 10, 2016 | Alliance Publications, Nuclear
The US nuclear weapons and power enterprise has harmed nuclear workers, the environment, and members of the public. That was true at the very dawn of the nuclear age and it is true today. The Alliance will be hosting an important documentary later this month. It...
by Snake River Alliance | Sep 17, 2015 | Alliance Publications
Connecting our members and the greater community is integral to the work of the Alliance. We have a few big events in the next couple of months where you can join fellow supporters of a nuclear free, clean energy future! September 22, 12-1 pm: Peace Walk to Protect...
by Snake River Alliance | Jul 29, 2015 | Alliance Publications, Nuclear
We all learn and experience in different ways. Some of us want to read a scientific journal article, some to hear a first-person account. Some of us can fully visualize things in our mind’s eye, and others are only satisfied when we see, smell, and touch the...
by Snake River Alliance | Jan 30, 2014 | Alliance Publications
In October 2013 Facebook reported 1.19 billion people from across the world had signed up with the social media giant. If you looked at that number in terms of population, it would make Facebook the third largest country in the world. Given the size of the audience,...