Calling All Nuclear Abolitionists & Activists!

Idaho State Capitol Building 700 West Jefferson Street, Boise, ID, United States

Join us this "Banuary" 20th as we call attention to the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The International Treaty declares Nuclear Weapons Illegal and there are now 68 States Parties to the Treaty & 91 Signatories. Join us on the Capitol steps in Boise Idaho to celebrate and bring attention […]

Calling All Nuclear Abolitionists & Activists!

Caldwell Park 700 E Lewis St, Pocatello

Join us this "Banuary" 21st as we call attention to the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The International Treaty declares Nuclear Weapons Illegal and there are now 68 States Parties to the Treaty & 91 Signatories. Join us in Caldwell Park and later at EBR-1 to celebrate and bring attention […]

Event Series Nuclear Fuel Chain

Nuclear Fuel Chain Part II: Uranium Enrichment, Fuel Fabrication, and Reprocessing

The Nuclear Fuel Chain Lecture Series explores and analyzes the entire fuel chain, from uranium mining to radioactive waste storage. Join us in February for Part Two of the series, Uranium Enrichment, Nuclear Fuel Fabrication, and Reprocessing. Register HERE or below for your unique link.  Pat Marida We are honored to have with us two experts […]

Comment Deadline for Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment

The Department of Energy (DOE) opened public comment for the Bill Gates Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment draft Environmental Assessment (EA). Beatrice Brailsford and the OGs of Idaho Nuclear Activism. Initially […]

Thousand Springs Talk and Tour

Box Canyon Preserve 3488 S 1500 E., Wendell, ID

Join Idaho Sierra Club and Snake River Alliance to meet and talk about the Snake River Aquifer, Idaho's sole source aquifer and the lifeblood of our state. Neal Farmer with ID Department of Water Resources will join […]

Enrichment? HALEU? Virtual Scoping Meetings Announced

The DOE has issued a notice of intent for a High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Availability Program by launching the scoping process for an environmental impact statement. Enriching uranium to make HALEU poses serious nuclear weapons proliferation risks and puts us in danger. The fuel would be enriched to bomb grade or near bomb grade—20% uranium […]

Enrichment? HALEU? Virtual Scoping Meetings Announced

The DOE has issued a notice of intent for a High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Availability Program by launching the scoping process for an environmental impact statement. Enriching uranium to make HALEU poses serious nuclear weapons proliferation risks and puts us in danger. The fuel would be enriched to bomb grade or near bomb grade—20% uranium […]

Enrichment? HALEU? Virtual Scoping Meetings Announced

The DOE has issued a notice of intent for a High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Availability Program by launching the scoping process for an environmental impact statement. Enriching uranium to make HALEU poses serious nuclear weapons proliferation risks and puts us in danger. The fuel would be enriched to bomb grade or near bomb grade—20% uranium […]