Federal consolidated interim storage facilities for commercial highly radioactive wastes

The U.S. Department of Energy is accepting public comments on its latest ploy to open highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facilities, under the ruse of "consent-based siting." A week ago, Beyond Nuclear provided answers to DOE's own list of questions, which can be used to fashion your own comments for submission. Now, we have […]

HALEU Comments due

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is asking the public for its input on plans to create a new programme to assure the availability of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel - needed for the demonstration and commercial deployment of advanced reactors - in the USA. Meanwhile, Centrus is working with Clean Core Thorium Energy on […]

COMMENTS due: Consent-Based Siting Process to Identify Federal CIS

The Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), requestsinformation on how to site Federal facilities for the temporary, consolidated storage of spentnuclear fuel using a consent-based approach. DOE anticipates that communities; governmentsat the local, State, and Tribal levels; members of the public; energy and environmental justicegroups; organizations or corporations; and other stakeholders […]

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembrance

Kristin Armstong Park 500 S Walnut, Boise, Idaho

We have a shady space in the back southeast corner, at the end of the parking lot. Please bring a dish to share (finger food or something easy to share […]

Solar for All!

Solar for All Workshop Solar deserves a fair shake. But Idaho Power's recent value of solar study undervalues solar and the company would, if allowed, cut compensation to net-metering customers by 60%! Check out the latest here. This is not fair and would seriously hamper Idahoan's access to cheap, renewable energy and a cleaner future. […]

NEIS Night with the Expert

Join NEIS for a very special NWTE this month, featuring long-time radiation activist and researcher -- Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear.  A biologist by training, Cindy has collaborated on many radiation-related projects over the decades, including the Radioactive Waste Monitoring Project. Please invite others to attend, and come with the questions you want answered! Join […]

Value of Solar Virtual Workshop

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is holding two online, public, informational workshops on September 6th and 7th to provide an overview of the Value of Solar Study. This is a great opportunity for the people to ask PUC Staff about the Study. Representatives of the Companies may also be available. Let's pack the meeting and […]

Value of Solar Virtual Workshop

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is holding two online, public, informational workshops on September 6th and 7th to provide an overview of the Value of Solar Study. This is a great opportunity for the people to ask PUC Staff about the Study. Representatives of the Companies may also be available. Let's pack the meeting and […]