Snake River Alliance Introduces Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free Campaign
June 12, 2008
CONTACT: Liz Woodruff
PHONE: 208-344-9161
EMAIL: [email protected]
What: An introduction to the nationwide Carbon-free and Nuclear-free Campaign including a panel of renewable energy experts and a family-style, vegetarian dinner.
Where: The Basque Center, 601 Grove Street
When: June 25, 2008; doors open at 5 pm and event from 6-8 pm
Cost: Entrance is $7 with dinner for Alliance members, $5 without dinner and $10 with dinner for non-members. Children enter and eat for free.
BOISE, ID – The Snake River Alliance will host an introduction of the nationwide Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free campaign on Wednesday, June 25, at the Basque Center in Boise. Doors open at 5 pm and an information-rich program and dinner begin at 6 pm. The Alliance is one of twelve groups on the campaign’s steering committee among over a hundred participant organizations engaging in a joint effort to increase public support for renewable energy sources as the best solution to our energy needs.
Andrea Shipley, executive director of the Alliance says, “Thousands of people came to the Green Expo at the Grove seeking solutions for a greener life. We believe this campaign to engage Idahoans in their energy decisions will be a part of the solution people are seeking to identify the best choices for our energy future.”
The campaign was based on a study, authored by Dr. Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, called “Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy.” The study proves that the United States could eliminate almost all of its carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2050 without resorting to nuclear power.
The event will feature experts on renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar. The program will also include a presentation on the state of nuclear developments in Idaho, an outline of Idaho’s many renewable energy sources, and ways the public can be involved to change Idaho’s energy landscape.
“Idaho is at an energy cross-roads. While there is huge potential for renewable energy production in the state, the nuclear industry is desperately trying to bring dirty and dangerous business to our state,” Shipley says. “The proposed uranium enrichment plant by the French Company AREVA and the proposed nuclear power plant in Elmore County make this a critical time for the public to act to promote the economic promise of renewable energy and insist that Idaho does not become the nation’s nuclear waste dump.”
The Snake River Alliance is Idaho’s nuclear watchdog and advocate for clean energy, promoting sustainable solutions for energy challenges in Idaho for nearly 30 years.