by Snake River Alliance | Jun 19, 2015 | Electric Utilities & PUC, Idaho Energy Updates
We need all hands on deck to support clean energy at the PUC on June 24 and 30! The Snake River Alliance has been alerting you for months about a major solar power case at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Well, the day of reckoning is almost here, and we need to...
by Snake River Alliance | Jun 2, 2015 | Alliance Publications, Clean Energy Program, Idaho Energy Updates
Forty-four percent of Idahoans believe the climate is changing and that climate change is a “crisis,” according to a survey by pollster Dan Jones & Associates and commissioned by Zions Bank. The survey results were reported Monday in Idaho Politics Weekly, an...
by Snake River Alliance | May 27, 2015 | Alliance Publications, Nuclear
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by Snake River Alliance | Feb 27, 2015 | Clean Energy Program
Ken Miller’s guest opinion calling for action on climate change in Idaho was published in the Idaho Statesman on February 25. He states, “In its draft Clean Power Plan, EPA assigned states greenhouse gas reduction targets. Idaho’s is a 30 percent...