Press Kit

How We Got Started
The Snake River Alliance was founded in 1979 when a couple of Idahoans met in Boise’s Julia Davis Park after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. The reactor core from the meltdown was coming to Idaho and they were concerned about the Idaho National Laboratory’s (INL) routine practice of injecting hazardous and radioactive waste into the Snake River Aquifer.
Since then, we have served as Idaho’s grassroots nuclear watchdog and embraced clean energy advocacy in 2006. Over the years, we have helped the people of Idaho end nuclear waste injection into the Snake River Aquifer, stop three nuclear weapons plants and a plutonium waste incinerator from being built, and slow the flood of nuclear waste into Idaho. We are among the strongest advocates for the cleanup of nuclear contamination at INL. We challenge creating radioactive waste in Idaho and bringing more out-of-state nuclear waste to Idaho.
Our Mission
We serve as Idaho’s nuclear watchdog and clean energy champion by inspiring, educating, and advocating for and with our fellow Idahoans.
Our Vision
We envision an Idaho where our people and our environment are free from the threat of nuclear waste and contamination, and our communities are healthy, strong, and prosperous because of our reliance on clean and renewable energy.
About Us
Campaigns and Coalitions
Learn more about our current and past campaigns and the coalitions we work in.