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COMMENTS due: Consent-Based Siting Process to Identify Federal CIS

The Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), requestsinformation on how to site Federal facilities for the temporary, consolidated storage of spentnuclear fuel using a consent-based approach. DOE anticipates that communities; governmentsat the local, State, and Tribal levels; members of the public; energy and environmental justicegroups; organizations or corporations; and other stakeholders […]


Federal consolidated interim storage facilities for commercial highly radioactive wastes

The U.S. Department of Energy is accepting public comments on its latest ploy to open highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facilities, under the ruse of "consent-based siting." A week ago, Beyond Nuclear provided answers to DOE's own list of questions, which can be used to fashion your own comments for submission. Now, we have […]