Radioactive waste specialist Kevin Kamps joins us to discuss the transportation of nuclear materials through communities on our nation’s roads, rails, and barges. If a temporary storage facility is opened in New Mexico, how will all the nation’s commercial nuclear reactors send their waste? After the East Palestine derailment disaster, could a similar accident occur with a nuclear waste shipment? We have a lot of questions. Join us if you do too.
The Nuclear Fuel Chain lectures seek to expose the environmental injustices, costs, and dangers in each link along the nuclear fuel chain. Nuclear energy is not carbon-free; it’s a false solution. We’ll explore all the links in the fuel chain and how each endangers our water, land, and bodies.
Kevin Kamps
Kevin Kamps works with Beyond Nuclear and lives in Takoma Park, Maryland. He has extensive knowledge about radioactive waste generation and storage risks at reactor sites and transportation through communities across the country. Before Beyond Nuclear, Kevin was the Radioactive waste specialist for Nuclear Information and Resource Service. Kevin has traveled to Chernobyl in Ukraine and founded a Michigan chapter of the international Chernobyl Children’s Project, which brings child victims of the Chernobyl accident to the United States for medical help. He has also worked with radiation victims in the U.S. and Canada, including those living near uranium mines and downwind from the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site.
Register for the virtual webinar here and bring your questions!