Renewable Energy Generation Surpasses Coal
In April 2019, U.S. monthly electricity generation from renewable sources exceeded coal-fired generation for the first time according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Electric Power Monthly. Renewable sources provided 23% of total electricity generation to coal’s 20%, reflecting both seasonal factors as well as long-term increases in renewable generation and decreases in coal generation. EIA includes utility-scale hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass in its definition of renewable electricity generation.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly
Idaho Power Commits to 100% Clean Energy
In 2019, Idaho Power announced its goal to provide 100-percent clean energy by 2045. Idaho Power is among the first publicly-owned energy companies to set a goal for reaching 100-percent clean energy. To achieve the goal, the company plans to continue divesting in coal and investing in storage and additional clean generation sources like wind and solar.
Idaho Power’s announcement is a milestone. Snake River Alliance is a long-standing environmental member of Idaho Power’s Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Council, which works with the company to develop a long range energy plan every two years. The persistence of the Alliance, our clean energy colleagues, like-minded individuals, and influential customers (like Simplot Company and the City of Boise) moved Idaho Power to adopt many of our recommendations that are now the foundation for the company’s new carbon-free goal.
Avista Utilities Commits to 100% Clean Energy and Carbon Neutral
In April, Avista Utilities announced it is committing to achieve 100 percent clean energy by 2045 and to have a carbon neutral supply of electricity by 2027. The company serves customers in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and northeastern Oregon. According to information on the Avista website, about 60 percent of its power comes from clean, non-carbon emitting sources and none of the rest comes from nuclear.
City of Boise – First in Idaho to Set 100% Clean Electricity Goal
Boise is the first city in Idaho to set a 100% clean electricity goal! In April, the Boise City Council passed a bold clean energy goal, committing to establishing community-wide use of 100 percent clean electricity in the City of Boise by 2035.