The INL cleanup citizens advisory board will meet Thursday, October 27, in the Sun Valley Inn from 8 am to 4 pm. The board has a very full agenda and we hope to see you there. Idaho’s Attorney General will speak and answer questions. The United States Geological Survey will talk about groundwater contamination. The DOE will give an update on the so-far stalled Integrated Waste Treatment Unit, which it’s hoped can someday successfully empty 900,000 gallons of intensely radioactive liquid waste from single-walled tanks buried above the Snake River Aquifer. People will hear about the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, where the ceiling has started to collapse, and the new nuclear navy facility, which will replace a spent fuel pool that was recently flagged in a congressional hearing as a prime example of the dangers of deferred maintenance.
Nuclear Cleanup Citizens Advisory Board sets Sun Valley meeting
by Snake River Alliance | Oct 11, 2016 | Alliance Publications, Nuclear | 0 comments