Justice is needed NOW!

Please call, email, or visit your members of the US House Representatives and tell them they must pass RECA NOW before it expires in June. Urge them to pressure their House colleagues and House Speaker Mike Johnson, one of the RECA holdouts.

Since the 1940s, our government exposed innocent people to radiation from nuclear activities. In the southwest, uranium workers breathed radioactive dust and unknowingly carried the poison home on their clothes to their families. In Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Utah, “downwinders” were exposed when winds carried radioactive clouds from nuclear weapons testing in Nevada and New Mexico. In Missouri, communities were exposed to buried radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project.

You can find your representatives in Congress HERE! Type your zip code in the field under “Find Your Representative,” or call the switchboard at (202) 224-2131 to be patched through.

The Senate passed RECA along bipartisan lines with flying colors in March. The President said he would sign it if it got to his desk. There is no time to lose. The House must do right by the American people and pass RECA today.