Victory over NuScale’s Dirty Dozen!

Verdict: Too Expensive.

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A proposed nuclear power plant is threatening the quality of life and the economic well-being of people across Idaho. NuScale Power, an out-of-state corporation, wants to build a massive 12-reactor nuclear power plant (the Dirty Dozen) in Idaho.

Virtually all of the electricity would go out of state, but all of the nuclear waste would stay in Idaho in perpetuity. And with that nuclear power and waste comes great risk. Help us stop the Dirty Dozen!


The radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant will be stored indefinitely above the Snake River Aquifer, which is the sole source of drinking water for over 300,000 people in Idaho. Serving as the economic lifeblood for much of southern Idaho, the Snake River system also provides irrigation water for three million acres of Idaho’s farms and ranches on the Snake River Plain. The radioactive waste from this nuclear power plant is a major threat to our safety and well-being.

We must stop the Dirty Dozen from coming to Idaho!


We need your help to Stop the Dirty Dozen from coming to Idaho!

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The Stop the Dirty Dozen campaign coincides with the Snake River Alliance’s 40th Anniversary, just as the Three Mile Island power plant closed last year (its partial nuclear meltdown in 1979 galvanized the grassroots advocacy that led to the Alliance’s formation). The proposal to build and operate this massive nuclear power plant in Idaho above a world-class aquifer and leave radioactive waste in perpetuity presents an unacceptable and unnecessary threat to Idaho and our people. 

The nuclear energy industry is dying due to the industry’s own fatal flaws: nuclear disasters like Fukushima in 2011 and Chernobyl in 1986, decades of delay in efforts to build new plants, massive cost overruns, and overwhelming dependence on record-breaking taxpayer subsidies. Meanwhile, the rise of cheaper, safer, renewable energy has eroded the markets and interest in new nuclear plants.

Stop the Dirty Dozen is the Alliance’s multi-year campaign aimed at stopping the project! We are educating the public and decision-makers about the adverse impacts of this dangerous, expensive, and unnecessary proposal and mobilizing grassroots activism to prevent Idahoans from having to bear this nuclear waste burden for generations to come. The Alliance has been here from the beginning and no group is better suited to confront this latest nuclear threat!




For questions about the Dirty Dozen, please click here to contact us today.